
Monthly Archives: June 2012

Am I the only person that wakes up out they’re sleep in search of a late night snack? It’s despicable. I can’t stop. I am clearly tired as all get out, but cannot rest until I find the perfect late night snack. Sometimes it’s a piece of candy, a cookie, a pudding, a bag of chips, an ice cream sandwich.. Oh my, my, my.. I’ve got a problem. There has got to be a clinical diagnosis for this. Perhaps this is the reason my little tummy is turning into my little pony. I weighed myself at work yesterday. Let me say, I was so not pleased. I got on the treadmill twice last week and felt accomplished. I’m not into exercise, and I am not ashamed to say, I truly lack the motivation. I should do better. I have have to do better with that. But that’s not where I was planning on going with this. The issue at hand is how do I stop getting my tushy out the bed at night in search of satisfaction, by way of a Twinkie.. I’m just saying, all advice is welcome. Help a sister out. I say this as I devour this slice of lemon cake. I need help! Lol..

Have a great day loves.

Peace and blessings

Hello Dears.
Happy Monday. Time to grind, make the donuts, punch that clock, how ever you want to say it, we all have to get it done. Even the stay at home mom’s who I envy and then again I don’t. That gig is hard work day and night.
Speaking of the kids.. Excuse me while I transform, hear me out, I feel like Tina Turner- “oohhhhh, I got something on my mind, won’t somebody please, please tell me what’s wrong”..Moment over, back to Dee. Is it just me, or is anybody else afraid for their children the way I am afraid for mines? The world is getting so crazy, and although I’d love to, I can’t keep them wrapped in a bubble. I cringe for them all but am most frightened for five as she is the youngest. I can’t help but see. I look around and the chilen’ runnin’ round yonder with the clothes sagging down and the bloomers showing. Speaking enough atrocities and profanities to make your ears bleed. I’m like, “can they see me”? It’s just like I’m not there. If I ever hear of my kids behaving to the degree of some kids I see daily, they are getting delt a can of honey let me tell you something with the quickness. Um hm, you do the math. I cannot handle that blatant disrespect. Can somebody please tell me what’s wrong. And then, the drugs. It’s always something new, more potent, designer chemist crap. Now they taking about bath salts which I had never heard of. People turning into zombies and eating folk, and I just can’t. Just when you think you’ve heard the worst, here comes something to blow your mind. They say it was possibly the drugs, I say demon possessed. Moving right along, it’s just so much to think about, protect from, be fearful of and so forth. Well, this mess ain’t going to drive me up a wall. I know I’m not omnipresent, but I sure know who is. Mom’s we have to cast our cares upon the Lord. Maybe I’m a bit of a worry wart. But isnt everyone when it comes to their kids? At the same time, I know I can’t let it consume me. All I can do, is keep my babies, and my family in prayer and trust in the precious hand of God. For me, there is no other way.

And I am so praying that these chilen’ keep they’re pants up, and atleast they bloomers clean. I don’t want to see that mess. Chile, please…

Now that I’ve had my ranting Momsession, my plan was to post my OOTD. I was so sleepy, still tired, and I didn’t plan an outfit last night and to top it off, I was pressed for time. Hence, there is no picture. Haha. Well there can be, I will update my post later with outfit pics. How bout that!

Until later- Peace and Blessings

Hello Dears,
Happy Sunday. What a lazy weekend for me. Chile, don’t get me started. I haven’t blogged since last week and I’m trying not to fall into that habit again. Recap from last week was of my son’s bday to now. We went out and shopped a little and later went to a family cookout. Food galore, my stomach still fat from that spread. Hehe.. DJ had a great birthday even though I purposely didn’t give him a party. This school year hasn’t been his best and I know he has the best in him. This kid has brains for days. He has been in GT (gifted and talented) classes for english and math for a while but this school year after much debate from last year and present, he has been dropped. I don’t know what’s going on, maybe the adolescent thing is playing a part, but for me, a party would have rewarded him and I just couldn’t do it. I know he got the lesson. He gets it. Although he didn’t have big blowout party, he was still celebrated. I couldn’t not celebrate my child. It was a good day. He was pleased. Check him out getting his GQ on.. Hahaha

13 is wearing:
Graphic T- American eagle
Cardi- American eagle kids
Jeans- Abercrombie and Fitch
Shoes- Vans
Happy 13th Birthday

If you follow me on instagram, then you may have already seen this tie-dyed shirt my daughter “15” made for me. It is so comfortable and fashionable and I love it. Her DIY moments have been awesome lately. And tie dye is trendy this season and the perfect summer mix of fun, and cuteness. She is so creative and really following her creative passion. She ended up with so many orders that day when I wore the shirt. I’m even thinking about letting her set up shop right here on my blog because this creativity has to be shared.
peep her process -BEFORE


I just threw on some Jeans from old Navy, cuffed the bottoms, green pumps and done! I really was comfy as a couch in this cut up free flowing tie-dye shirt. So what ya think? Cute right. Here are. A few other things she’s created
Baby tie-dye

Tie-dye socks for her brother

Bead action

20120603-144553.jpg at 15 it’s so many negative things she could be doing and since she isn’t I’m celebrating that. I was buying supplies and the whole 9. Since she is making her own money now, she has been buying her own supplies. Yay!! She can use the summertime as more creative time. Speaking of summer, woosah, it has been hot. I been having flashes or something. I’m. Not the type to sweat, but lately I’ve been having my moments of pure insanity. Can you say early change of life. Idk, but maybe. Our pool opened last weekend and we’ve been taking a dip every since. I can’t swim a lick but it’s an excellent way to cool down. The kids love it. Earlier in the week, I took lil miss number 5 and big miss number 5 her favorite cousin. These two little pieces of work are just that, a piece of work!

20120603-145640.jpg cuties on duty!
I have to wrap this post up, but speaking lil miss five and the incident at the school. Here’s an update. I tapped on every door at that school and still wasn’t getting the answers or the resolve I was looking for concerning the “juice in the bottle found on the playground” incident. I demanded a meeting with the director and all parties involved. Instead, the director called me and wanted me to discuss the issues with her over the phone. She basically slid past my wanting a meeting and still down played the situation of J and the other kids finding the bottle and drinking from it. She said many things that let me know she wasn’t willing to take responsibility, nor was she even acknowledging that something foul had occurred. I faded to black when she told me, “I have the bottle on my desk and it has been here for a while now, and it hasn’t changed in color and it hasn’t bubbled up or nothing has happened so it appears that it’s just juice”.. Are these people really stupid? What does she take me for? I told her I wanted answers. How did this happen? What was the teacher really doing that distracted her? What measures have been put in place to insure this NEVER happens again. I wanted to see a new action plan on paper to reassure me that my child is safe there. I want an acknowledgement, an apology, something to let me know, you guys realize you fouled up. Yes, I want an admission of guilt. You know what I got, nothing. So you know what I did, something! I got I touch with the department of childcare and licensing and I told them of the incident. They were not pleased. They even asked me, was the bottle sent off for any type of analysis to determine what the contents were. Absolutely not. I had several phone calls that day from that office and even one from child protective services. That’s right, they are involved because now, it’s a child endangerment and neglect situation. I didn’t feel bad, or even that I had taken it too far. As far as I’m concerned, I didn’t take it far enough. I would fight anybody anywhere for anyone of my children the same way. Oh, you don’t want to talk to me, you don’t want to give me answers, ok, now other people are involved and lets see if you can ignore them. J has been going to school less and less. Thank God for my grandmother who has kept her while I’m still sorting out this incident. I don’t know what has taken place in the school, but the teachers involved have been MIA. I see new teachers, and it’s just a mess. I had previously signed J up for the summer session, and I’m even under contract, but that contract is not binding me. After graduation, it’s a wrap! She is out of there. I just can’t do it with that school anymore.
So that’s basically how it has turned out. Thank God that my child and the others weren’t injured by this incident. Thank God they are all ok. Even still, I want to be certain that this never happens to anybody else’s child again.

Mommy with the fire, mommy with rage signing off!

(Post ran long, sorry)

Peace and Blessings