


Does prayer offend you?

This was the question I posed to a group of ladies after witnessing a few become annoyed by a prayer. Let me start from the beginning…

I often pray with and get encouragement from a fellow coworker. She doesn’t work in my department, but her job puts her in close proximity to mines. It’s amazing how certain individuals are drawn together. This powerful woman of God, whom for the sake of this story I’ll call “Deborah” (later I will explain why I call her that). “Deborah” is highly spiritual and without a doubt carrying an awesome anointing. There were three older ladies in the waiting area. Think of these women as the “church mothers”, “the big Mamma’s”, the Sister Sarah’s and nem. All of a sudden, I heard them speaking with “Deborah”. Within seconds, I felt a huge surge. A force so very strong that I had no choice but to go and see what was beckoning me. Those church mothers and “Deborah” were holding hands with bowed heads. Clearly, prayer and reverence was taking place. They were barely speaking above a whisper, but I still managed to hear and recognize a holy language being spoken between them. I walked into the hallway, and was nearly knocked off my feet. Behold the surge. So strong and so high. Lord almighty!!!! I felt it through every bone in my body. I walked around that circle of women and I had no idea what they were praying about, I just made a quick
decision to touch them all, and I said out loud that I was touching and agreeing on whatever it was they were praying about.
That power, the surge, the Holy Spirit that flowed through that hallway couldn’t be denied. Again, I stress that their voices were barely above a whisper. Also, no other “customers” were there. Then, it happened. Four other coworkers walked into the hallway and began to project a look and a feeling of pure disdain. They began to shuffle around and whisper. They rolled their eyes, they shook their heads, and they scurried about some more. The seemed to become unhinged.
But why?
As a believer, I couldn’t wrap my mind around exactly what part of this minimal demonstration, lasting 2-3 mins, tops, offended them!
Was it prayer in and of itself?
Was it the coming together of individuals in mind, soul, and body that they saw?
Was it the holy language that they heard?
Was it because it was happening in the workplace?
Are they non-believers?
I mean what?
A myriad of questions invaded my thoughts. All of a sudden now, I was offended. Offended from their immediate display of disdain. Offended because they were talking about it negatively. Offended because they spoke about my friend. My sister in Christ. Perhaps talking about getting “Deborah” banned from our floor. Hold up…
Say what now..
Ok, that’s it, I’m fading to black.

I went around asking, does prayer offend you? I couldn’t get one person to tell me yes. Not one person. But they continued to hush and scurry amongst each other for the rest of the day. One person told Deborah, I wasn’t offended, but others were. Humph! She was too. Just unable to admit it when confronted. We don’t all have to agree, and people are free to believe whatever they choose. Free will, we have that choice. If you don’t agree with prayer, don’t participate. But to go that far, when this is what the church mothers were about, it was what they wanted, I mean you could see that. You would think that it was praise dancing, tambourine banging, hooping and hollering going on. Their voices were barely above a whisper. I was just, blown. I’m trying to write this with an open mind, to be objective in my approach and all that, and I guess I have failed miserably with this post. I am totally subjective and I have to admit, the way they behaved, it bothered me. It awakened in me a deep hostility. It reminded me of racism, sexism, and all the other isms I can’t find right now in my mind, but please say you get my drift. It just took me to a weird place. Am I overreacting? Is this my stuff? Naw, it can’t just be me. Now, could “Deborah” had moved along elsewhere and not felt the disapproval of the others.
Although they weren’t loud, could she had been more discreet?
But, she told me, “The Lord told me to pray, right then, right there so, I couldn’t disobey. I will not cower and hide. I will not deny my God”. Hallelujah!!!
She moves about doing her job and while doing that, she is witnessing, she is giving a kind word, a warm smile, a positive way of thinking. She is speaking into your life, and you are just drawn to her spirit. If you know the biblical story of Deborah which can be found in the book of judges, you’ll understand why I call her this.
In the bible, Deborah was such a strong woman, a Prophetess and the only female judge mentioned. Deborah helped bring a great victory for God’s people. I’m saying all this to say that sometimes everything that has the ability to shake will be shook. I get that. We all have our assignments, and others have theirs. To me, it was an appointed time. The “church mothers” were like a breath of fresh air. Like angels on assignment. “Deborah” was in the right place at the right time. I found the whole experience beautiful and humbling. It still saddens and frustrates me, that people are often too quick to judge that in which they don’t understand.

Oh well, at this point I’m probably about to start rambling, so I guess I should close out this post. I just really needed to get this off my chest.
I honestly want to know, does prayer offend you? Is there a right or wrong time and or place for this? Please share your thoughts and thanks for reading.

Peace and Blessings,

*Picture Heavy*

Hello Dears,
This is going to be a condensed post. My week has been hectic, let me tell you, my job tires me to no end and challenges me immensely and… I love it! I’m just that kind of girl, I love a challenge.

Speaking of challenges, lack of sleep, whoa, what a challenge. I was so tired the other day (thursday). All I thought about was going home and getting in my bed. I literally had visions of it. Then, the calendar on my iPhone alerted me that I had an event that day. I had tickets to take the kids to the UniverSoul Circus. Oh no, say it ain’t so. Of all days. Today? Really? I completely forgot. I purchased those tickets well over a month ago and it slipped my mind. To top that off, Thursday was my late day at work. I wasn’t getting off until 6. The circus started at 7:30. How could I make this go over well at this point. After work I began a mad dash from one part of town to the next. The twenty- year old picked up the five year old from school. I called home and told the older kids to go in the closet and get an outfit for J, black shorts, black shirt, black sandles. I rushed in the house a sweaty and tired hot mess. J was bathed and dressed. Wonderful! I jump in the shower, with not a clue of what to wear. I ran to the closet and just picked out something that looked comfortable. I really didn’t put any thought into my clothes. Who had time to think. Clothes on, and we’re off.

Lil miss number #5 J wore:
Black tee- Walmart
Black shorts-Walmart
Sandles- the shoe dept
Purse and jewelry- Burlington’s

20120526-105301.jpg this pose and the cardi wrapped around her waste was strictly generated by her, foreal, she is such a fashionista. Lol..

I wore:
Brown Jumper- Wet Seal
Cardigan- Old Navy
Sandles- Target
Earrings, Necklace- JCPenny
Watch- Michael Kors

(I just threw on anything)




We were speeding down the highway, and made it at 7:30 on the dot. First off, if you’ve ever been to the Universoul circus then you’ll know that when I say it was like a big huge party, I’m not joking. This was my first time going and I was not prepared for all the partying, music, dancing, audience participation, line dancing, soul train line, constant interaction. On a Thursday night, after work, dead tired, I was ill prepared. Overall, it was nice. I think the kids were in a state of shock at first. Then they started enjoying it. J was dancing it up, because that’s her thing but after a few hours it was just wearing on us all. At 10:15 pm, the circus was still running strong. I grabbed my kids and said we out! Nobody hesitated because they were all just as tired as I was. It was fun, but heart pumping, screaming excited kids, loud music, foot stomping was just too much for this Mommy on a Thursday night.

20120526-112341.jpg my Son jumped up there and started doing the stanky-leg.. Haha!

20120526-112448.jpgI wish I had better pictures 😦
Me and my clan




After the circus, as a unit we came home, and straight crashed! Lol..
Friday morning, I had to get up for work (still tired) and even managed to somehow look cute! 🙂
I wore:
Silk top- Old Navy
Silk Pants- Forever21
Lace Cardigan- ?
Nude Pumps- Marshall’s
Purse- TJMax
Necklace- JCPenny
Watch-Michael Kors
Bracelets- thrifted


Off work, and ready for the long weekend. Yes! No work til Tuesday. After work, I hooked up with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. We ended up going out for crabs and just chilling at my house eating crabs and talking trash. It was a fun evening. And now today!!!
I gotta set this one up.
Thirteen years ago my head was so cloudy, my spirit was low and my faith was shattered, because my Mom had just died. Then on May 26, 1999, God blessed me with a wonderful gift that would stretch me in new ways, resurrect my faith, and lift me higher. DJ came into my life and reminded me that I had so much to live for..
He irritates me often, even challenges my intelligence at times, but the one constant is that he is unconditionally my son. My only son DJ is thirteen years old today, and I’m still his mom. What a blessing!
Happy Birthday to my son. Isn’t he so handsome:


20120526-123618.jpg he was wearing his little suit on Easter!


DJ wears- Suit from grandparents
Button down- the Children’s Place
Cardigan- American eagle kids
Jeans- Abercrombie & Fitch kids
Shoes- Vans
Geek glasses-?


Well folks, that’s it. Sorry for the looonngg post, and the heaavvvyyyy pictures, I was trying to get it in. I’ve got a long day of cookouts, and birthday hoorays, so let me get to it.
I pray everyone has a wonderful memorial day weekend with family, friends, and definitely be safe.

Peace and Blessings,

Hello Dears,
As promised, I rummaged through my closet to find a hint of Olivia Pope inspired gear. Notice I said “inspired” because nobody can do it like Liv. I started out with a suit but then, I felt too hot.. Maybe tomorrow I’ll rock the suit. Today, I opted for an Ann Taylor dress from loft. I found this dress out thrifting a few years ago. One thing I remember is the tag was still there. Score!
Well by now, you all must know, I’ve been infected by the Scandal virus. This show is like a super bug. Anybody who tunes in to just one episode will surely be infected. There are so many things I love about Liv. She is so smart its down right ridiculous. You notice how when she’s on her grind, her sophistication shines through even more. With one comment she can take you down, or build you up. She commands her audience and she knows who she is. There’s just that one flaw. She’s having an affair with a married man, and typically I wouldn’t root for this type. However, this is TV and in my primetime TV world, this woman can do no wrong.
Ten things I love about Olivia Pope
1. She’s fearless
2. She gives the underdog a helping hand (i.e, her whole team)
3. She is a business owner
4. She has influence
5. She is a gladiator.. Lol
6. She’s a leader
7. She challenges those around her
8. She’s strong
9. She’s a fashionista
10. She has the same name as my baby niece. (isn’t she gorgeous)



I’m wearing:
Dress- Ann Taylor- thrifted
Blazer- Target
Shoes- DSW
Briefcase- thrifted
Necklace- gift
Bracelets- thrifted
Watch- Michael Kors




20120516-101457.jpg Lil Miss five wanted in on the action before heading off to school. She’s wearing dress and shoes- Target, Denim Jacket- The Children’s place.


I hope you enjoyed the look!
Don’t forget to tune in to the season finale of Scandal Thursday 10pm on ABC.
Have a wonderful day Dears
Peace and blessings

Hello Dears,

When we last left off I was catching you up on the happenings of me. And then I got all carried away in Olivia Pople mania. Ha! My post have been sporadic so I just wanted to clarify. About the financial liberation piece, I have been so focused on this thing that I didn’t think about blogging. Like usher said, I was caught up! To tell you the truth, (*clears throat*) some blogs I purposely stayed away from for fear of relapsing, tempted to go out and make purchases. I had to change people, places, and things. Lol…

True story.

Now I’m thinking, If i’m not blogging about shopping and thrifting then what? Time to strategize. You all know that while I was taking pictures and posting my daily outfits, that my blog is more geared towards those who don’t have a problem reading because above all else, I am a writer. I get that some folks just want to see some pretty pictures, cute outfits, gain some inspiration, read a few lines and dip out. And that’s totally fine but then, my blog ain’t for them because I writes.

So while I’m going to be getting back into the swing of blogging, over the next few weeks my blog may be a little different. I never wanted to define it anyway, and I think I’ve proven that I’m not one dimensional. You will continue to get inspirational pep talks, life lessons, rants and a few outfit post here and there. Expect also to see topics ranging from haircare, to savings plans, to health and beauty and wherever else my mind takes me.

Just promise me, you’ll stick around for the ride. Pretty soon I’ll be posting so much, I’ll be known as a serial blogger. Ok, maybe not, but you get my drift.

As promised, for anyone who is interested in the links to the sites I was telling you about reguarding financial planning, a good way to get started is by checking out Joe Sangl’s book. To order go here.

You can download the IWBNIM app on your iphone by visiting in the app store. I’m pretty sure they have the app in the android market as well.

You can also follow Joe Sangl on twitter

Be sure to visit Joe’s personal website to get started with a host of resources including a webinar series, weekly podcast, tips on saving money right away and a host of other things.

Thanks again for all of your concerns and for sticking with me through my involuntary, but necessary hiatus. There is no way I have covered the last two months and at this point, I’m just ready to move on. I’m back!

I haven’t been taking OTD pics at all.. Here’s one I took a few weeks back before I got my hair press and curled. Oh my goodness, that’s something else I’ll have to post about, the never ending hair journey. I’m never satisfied. The weave that I was suppose to keep for three months, I only kept for a month and a half. When I took it out, I started having fantasies of creamy cracked out hair. I got a press and I was good again. Don’t pay me no mind, I’m half crazy.

I thought this outfit was cute, my kids didn’t think so though, they told me the dress was too short and since they went through all kinds of strokes and breakdowns about it, I kept it on long enough to take a few pics, and shazam, this outfit never saw the light of day. Cute though.

I’m wearing:

Dress- Wet Seal (i think)

Cardigan- H&M

Necklace-Shoppers World

Bracelets- F21

Shoes- Avon three years ago


Time to end this post foreal. One last thing, it’s almost Thursday. You know what that means correct? The final Scandal episode. Mmmm, I can’t wait. Maybe I’ll wear Olivia Pope inspired looks for the rest of the week until the show down. Great idea! Check back tomorrow to see what I come up with by shopping my closet.

Peace and Blessings,



I REALLY SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF MYSELF… it’s been almost two month since my last blog post. How did this happen??? Oh no… My readers, my fam, my fellow bloggers, are you all still here? I can’t blame anyone if they’ve unsubscribed and completely jumped ship. I know it seems as if my blog is abandoned but, it’s not.. I’m back! I am. Well not with a full on blog post but just to apologize and let you know, I will be posting soon. I have so much to tell you guys about. You all know, I started a new job back in February. And I was taking a class at church and studying and the kids, just oh my goodness, I need to find a balance. I spoke with a sister friend of mine this morning about that very thing. This new job is a doozy. Busier than I’ve ever been I think. Very meticulous, very detailed oriented and absolutely no room for error. I love it that it challenges me. That’s one of the main reasons I haven’t been blogging because I am so busy with work, school, kids, home life. I NEED BALANCE. But I have so much to catch you all up on, and I will, just not tonight. Got a very early morning meeting and well you know, I need that paycheck, so I have to get some sleep. Just know, I love you all.. I still have so much to give. Please don’t give up on me, and by this weekend, no later than, you will be caught up on the happenings of Dee. Ok..

Peace and blessings

It’s amazing the talents that our kids posses and we don’t have a clue. Well. I’m guilty of not knowing a few things. Me, with all my probing and utter nosiness, still managed to be completely unaware that my son is a baby poet. He has a small book that he’s been working on since the beginning of the school year. His teacher sent it to me, with an inclosure detailing how great his writing and poetry had become. It was graded A++ and I was grinning from ear to ear! He got it from his Momma. Finally, one of them takes a little bit of what I have to offer. He was shy about it, but I could sense he really enjoyed the attention, and the acknowledgement of his work. Now I’m in his ear, like hey son, let’s write some poetry! Ha!

There are several tidbits of loveliness in his poems and he agreed to let me post a few of my favorites from his little book.
As the flowers were blooming, so was I. Born in a busy hospital room.
My Mom crying tears of joy.
My Dad, patiently holding her hand.
I came too fast for the doctor, the the way I am- sudden.
To hear my Mom tell it, I was full of life and very happy.
They named me Donte’ Julian. Donte after my uncle and Julian after my great-grandad.
They had a plump baby boy that was smiling 24/7.
They got me just the way I was supposed to be, with a fondness for laughing at the silliest things and being excited and hopeful for the future.
I am
A skipping pebble, hopping off the water.
I am a small swift chipmunk, weaving through the trees.
I am a growing 12 year old boy at the peak of my prime, like the glowing orange sun
I am the busy New York City
I am a speeding cyclone, wrecking the world with my wit and intelligence.
Like an extravagant fireworks show on the 4th of July
I am Donte’
I dream that I was in a place where everything was exciting, colorful, and bright.
Like a huge rainbow
Everywhere I looked I saw children playing and Popsicles melting.
I could forever hear the sound of laughter and joy.
Everything felt so happy and joyful.
Like a breezy summer day.
This land was everyone’s comfort place, an adventure, a wonderland.

Awwww, weren’t those poems adorable. I just love them and all the potential. I ask him if he enjoys writing and he tells me, it’s ok. Naturally, I want him to love it as I do. Anyway, this situation just reminds me that I need to dive a little deeper into the minds of my children. You never know what secret talents they may be harboring. I know that my oldest daughter is an excellent artist, I mean can draw like nobodies business, but she isn’t passionate about it. I use to encourage her in it, and had her in all types of activities geared towards the arts, but as she got older, she strayed away. Lately, I’ve been nagging her about drawing me a cheap fab mom logo. I’m still waiting. Lol..
I know that my 15 year old is very creative in the arts and fashion. She alters almost every piece of clothing she owns in some way or another and it’s always easy on the eyes. The stuff she comes up with is fabulous. Extremely creative. The five year old told me she wants to be on the stage and I believe her. She can dance and sing very well. For those of you who have children, do they have any hidden talents? Some that maybe you weren’t aware of? Perhaps you already know and have been sleeping on it, or you are unaware like I was. As my grandmother would say, “one things for certain, and two things for sure”, It’s time we tap into these young minds and roll out the carpet to carry them to their fullest potential.

Oh yea, notice anything? Anything? Well let me help you out. I have been consistent with my post this past week. Yay me!!! I think it has to do with the fact that my stress level is down a thousand since I left that place I use to work at. I’ve had a lovely week. I’ve been settling nicely into my new role and doing a lot of compliance training and such. A lot of cleaning of my new office as it was truly dusty. I love my new office space though. Next week, I’ll start to hang pictures and artwork so it can start feeling a little more like me. Here are a few pics of the space:


The view from my window


Here’s what I’m wearing today:
Top- TJMax
Pants- Kohl’s
Shoes- Target
Earrings- Shoppers World
Rings- thrifted
Bracelets- payless, shoppers world



Lil Miss 5 had a winter program in school today. She had to wear blue/white, but I didn’t feel like the frilly dress or a skirt, so she wore:
Top- Target
Denim Jacket- Target
Leggins- Old Navy
Shoes- Harijuku Mini by Gwen Stefani

20120217-191530.jpg and last but not least, the poet, wrecking the world with his intelligence and wit, and avoiding the camera as usual. I love my one and only son.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Peace and blessings,

Hello Dears
I’m not doing the stanky leg. I’ll save the stanky leg til Friday. I am however doing the Humpty dance in honor of hump day. Hey, do the Humpty hump. lol..

This post won’t be long. I just wanted to give out a mid-week hump day dose of positivity, hope, and encouragement to whomever may need it. I sure need it, trust me, I be ministering to myself while trying to encourage others.

How was your Valentines day? Mines was wonderful. I have some single friends that wouldn’t even answer the phone yesterday because they didn’t have a “Valentine”. I’m single too, but you know it never entered my mind to break down about it. For me, love comes from a source of different things, people, and circumstance. I woke up yesterday so I know God loves me, my children love me, my family loves me, and so on. I am surrounded by love and I guess that’s why my day was beautiful. I have learned to look at the big things. Although, it would have been beautiful to get a gift, or some other sentiment from a gentlemen suitor, I’m cool with the gifts I received from my kids, from my heavenly father.

Hump day rules for maintaining a healthy you from the inside out:

-You are beautiful, your are important, you are loved. I don’t care what anybody says, you are beautiful.

-Remember you are important, and you are loved.

-It’s obvious that your life has purpose or you wouldn’t have it. Celebrate in the joys, get through the lows, and step up into your future, step up into your purpose.

-Don’t be mistreated, used, or abused. Make a choice to keep negative forces out of your realm. Don’t let the adversary plant him self in your circle.

-Even a tiny bit of faith, the size of a mustard seed is all God needs you to have so he can move on your behalf. Keep the faith.

-Trials happen, distractions may come, set backs may occur, and breakdown may arrive. But know, it will pass, it cannot reside in you forever as long as you push it aside.
Push.. Pray.Until.Something.Happens

“Remember to remain calm in situations, for God has an investment in us. We may have to hit the bottom, and we may even cry, but we will rise. Not because of us, but because of what’s in us!”
Love to you all..

OOTD- I’m wearing:
Blazer- Ann Taylor (gift from Aunt)
Blazer- Thrifted
Shoes- Missoni for Target
Earrings,necklace- shoppers world
Bracelets, rings- F21








Peace and Blessings

Hello Dears…
Happy Monday. I’m so terrible lately that I hope it’s still Monday when this finally gets posted. Shame, shame… Let me get right to it. I started my new job today. It was such a pleasant surprise to have a supervisor whose demeanor appears to be relaxed, calm, positive, and professional. I instantly like this woman. The morning started with orientation and I felt so bad for dozing off right in the faces of the facilitators. I mean boring! Some of the presentations were lively with an upbeat facilitator. Others were as dry as the Sahara desert and that’s when I started feeling like I had drank a gallon of sleepy time tea. And me, why did I have to be so obvious. I sat front row..Humph! Dumb move Dee, dumb move. Lol.. Later I went over to my department and I received the most awesome welcome from the new co-workers. I took a tour and walked into my new office and fell in love. The space was empty while the desk, chair, and computer lay on the floor awaiting tomorrows assembly. I opened a door that I assumed was a closet and it was a bathroom. My own personal bathroom inside my office. Yes!!! What a room, what a view. I’m totally stoked and loving this. The ice machine in the break room has me feeling like it’s Christmas. Anybody who knows me, knows that ice is my thing. Crunch, crunch.. 🙂
The view from the window is breath taking and I’ll definitely have to take pictures to show you once I am settled in. I am really happy with the way things have turned out for me. I had intentions on taking outfit pics. Taking pictures outside hasn’t been an option since it’s been so cold. The mornings are usually a rush move for us, and in the evening, I either forget, or have taken my clothes off and it’s then too late. Anyway, my son who is my do it yourself photographer hasn’t been feeling well and his skills were off today. Only a small few were decent enough to post.
I wore:
Pleated blouse- TJ Max
Cardigan- Thrifted
Slacks- Ross Dress for Less
Shoes- not shown
Name Necklace- Jay Lorai
Earrings, watch- Shoppers World
Purse- Valentines gift 3 years ago




This name necklace is quickly becoming my new favorite item. It was was given to me this past weekend by my co-worker/friend from the job I just left. Love it. If anyone is interested in purchasing, let me know.

Another new favorite item is my hat and scarf that was made for me by a lady who takes custom and special orders. I fell in love with her scarf sets and have purchased a few since the first one. Again, if anyone is interested, let me know and I’ll give you her information. My cousin and I hung out this past Saturday and she had her custom made scarf and hat on too.

We look happy as ever in those scarf sets. Lol..

Yesterday I took baby girl, Lil Miss number 5 and my lil cousin Big Miss number 5 to see Disney on Ice. They had a blast. These two are the tightest little cousins. They are two peas in a pod and so addicted to each other that it seems unreal. They are equally fire crackers in their on right, and together they are too much for TV. Cute as all get out though!

They wore these matching yellow shirts


They are something else!

We had great seats. Third row, and they had a great time seeing all their favorite characters and interacting along with the show.





My chile, my chile

The vest she is wearing was a denim jacket that got to small, so I cut the sleeves off. She loves this vest and tried to wear it everyday during the summer.

Since we were so tired from our busy time yesterday, I’m just gonna keep it real. I didn’t feel like doing Lil Miss #5’s hair this morning, so I just found her something else yellow to wear to match the hair balls. Yep! I’m terrible.. *grins*
Dress- Bday gift from grandparents
Leggings- children’s place
Suede booties- 77 kids by American Eagle

I know it’s been a while since fifteen has agreed to take a picture. She is a trip! Avoids the camera at all cost.
Sweater- purchased from vendor in NY
Denim Jacket- thrifted
Jeans- idk, but ripped and fringed by herself (she loves to alter her clothes)
Boots- Target

My poor son hasn’t been feeling well. This is the child who never, ever gets sick. He has now developed sinus and allergy issues and he has been going through it. Just look at his face. Awww son!

Well peeps, that is the just of my weekend- today. Sorry, I had to pile it all on, but had to get it in where I could. I hope to post again tomorrow.
I pray you all had an amazing weekend and will have a great week ahead.
Peace and blessings,


She said to me,

“you aren’t everything that you think you are. These white people don’t care anything about you and all you do”.

This declaration came from my supervisor after a meeting where the manager, medical director and director of operations raved about me and the ideas that I had presented to the table. It wasn’t the first time they came to me instead of her, it wasn’t the first time that I was asked for my opinion, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. That was the beginning of the end for me and Miss Supervisor. Almost everyday since then has been a challenge working with her. Sadly, she dislikes me because I’m articulate, likable, knowledgable, and I get the job done. She would be sweet as pie when the higher ups were within view, and when they weren’t she was a different person. A wolf in sheeps clothing if I’d ever seen one. I don’t know why but she is threatened by my expertise and it’s despicable. Instead of her utilizing me to the fullest which would in turn only be great for the company, she exhausted herself trying to stifle me. It really didn’t work, because those who should have turned to her, sought me out instead. I didn’t ask for it, they just came my way. My years in healthcare span over thirteen years and I certainly wasn’t just going through the motions, I have been busy equipping myself for a time such as this. I pride myself on patient centered patient care. I’m big on finding solutions, solving problems, it’s just what I do. I’m not doing anything unless I give it my all, and Miss Supervisor had her own shortcomings, issues with race, prejudice, and she attacked me as a result of her own selfish ambitions and insecurities. Most of us have a character defect or two that we aren’t very proud of, but do we bring that into the workplace? Miss Supervisor sure does. We’ve been going back and forth for two years, never seeing eye to eye. She’d come at me sideways, and I’d treat her the same way. On any given day, you can catch her in a heated brawl with another employee. She manipulates them by saying things like, “black women need to stick together”. All the while, she makes it virtually impossible to stick with anything she mandates. Despicable. About a year ago, I stopped reacting to her in that Ra-Ra sort of way, as I knew it was what she wanted. She would push your buttons and then suddenly turn into a victim when you reacted to her injustice. I have never, ever met a person like her in the workplace. That thing is a special breed. At long last, I realized, it wasn’t worth it for me and this woman would continue to make my work life a living hell. I prayed about it, and asked God to open new doors for me. He did just that, and next week, a new chapter for me will begin. I am so excited about my new job and even more excited about God’s perfect timing and how wide open he kicked this door for me. I remained faithful to that job for as long as I could, and although I’ll miss the relationships that were forged there, I will not miss the constant bickering, the manipulation, the abuse, and the unprofessionalism. I carry God wherever I go, even still the devil is busy lurking on every corner. I’m so glad that I had my armor protecting me always. I am like a flower, and my natural ability is to bloom. I stopped blooming. My time there is up. God moved me out after my assignment was complete. One thing I know, my mark was left, and they will never forget this lil firecracker with the great work ethics, toting a briefcase full of professionalism, motivation, and skills long enough to stretch from here to the nile river. They’ll never forget me!


I’m sorry it took me a little while to post but I have been a little wrapped up. Tying loose ends and such. Busy preparing myself mentally for my new job. Anyway, I’m back! Lol..
FYI: these braids are making their last appearance, tonight it’s going down. I’ve had enough. They are itching like crazy.I will show you my growth and my new hairstyle tomorrow. The natural hair journey continues. I love you guys and thank you for your continued support. To the ones that emailed me to check and see what’s up with the post, I appreciate ya!

I’m wearing:
Red/brown sweater- thrifted(not shown)
Belted Peacoat- gift
Gray slacks- Burlington
Brown pumps- Target
Briefcase- thrifted (what a steal $6.99)
Earrings- Rashidagurl






Peace and Blessings